Monday, April 08, 2013

2013: kk Jury Selection

Jury system has been around for 1000 years. As part of my civil duty, I am honored to be part of the jury selection on 3 criminal cases today. Had mixed feelings. If got selected, it is a bit of hassle to me as I will have to attend the trial from 9 to 5pm everyday for the next 3 weeks starting tomorrow. On the other side, I think it will be a good way to understand our justice system.

Never won a lucky draw before, but today I've won all the "rotary draw" to stand for jury selection on all three cases. When a juror was called to come to the stand, the court clerk asked the accused to look at the juror and the juror to look at the accused. The lawyers from both sides will take turns choosing: each lawyer will say “content” or “challenge”.  All the crown lawyers wanted me, but all the defense lawyers didn't want me. I guess I put "Tester" as my job title may have caused the defense lawyers to think I am no good to their case. Well, my job is to catch bugs and to make sure the bugs are fixed. :-)

Anyway, my dear wife said I am "样衰" that I wasn't selected today.
(Note: "样衰" 就是广东人喜欢说的话:  意思就是你长相太难看了!)

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