Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013: Teaching interrelationships to Jacob

The Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program is based on the understanding that children develop within a complex set of interrelated systems that includes the family, the school, the broader community, and the world. Although early learning programs have traditionally acknowledged the importance of these systems, they have tended to address each one separately, in terms of its individual impact on the child. By contrast, the Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program recognizes the importance for the child’s development of the interrelationships between and among these systems, and builds on those interrelationships. Holding this interconnectedness at the centre of its vision, the program sets children on a more positive trajectory for learning. 

It is important for Jacob to understand the interrelated systems that includes the family, the school, the broader community, and the world.

We sometimes just need to push our topics a bit beyond "family" and "school". He will start to develop and build on those interrelationships.

Jacob is aware of people who don't have home to stay. We sent money to the homeless shelter together during Christmas. We gave a homeless man money everytime we see him standing outside supermarket one winter. We knew his name was Danny, and we prayed for him.

Jacob is aware of children who are not so lucky and they don't have money to buy toys. Every year, we prepare 6 Chrismas shoe boxes for the children in other country.

Jacob is aware of children in some part of Afica don't have enough food to eat. We googled and saw some images of skinny children begging for food. We had a long father and son chat. That day on, he stopped throw out his food in school.

Jacob is aware of Boston bombing, people got hurt and the Ottawa Vs Boston hockey game was cancelled. He sometimes comes and sit besides me when I am reading news. Then he will start to ask what is each news about by pointing at my tablet. He usually will get a kid's version summary of the news, then being sent aways with "Don't Disturb" reminder. :-)

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