Monday, March 28, 2011

2011: Spring Hiking in Stony Swamp

Jacob on the sled.
Feeding the birds...

Playing "hockey"
Following deers' footprints ....
Found deer's feces...
And finally.... we managed to spot 3 deers ran across the trail.

We originally planned for a sugar bush trip for our Saturday outing, but the farm was closed due to the broken beaver dam on the trail. Therefore, we changed our plan to hike in trails inside Stony Swamp (5 minutes away from our home). We spent 2 hours on the trails feeding birds, tracking animal's foot prints on snow, playing pretend hockey game, laughing, etc. Guess what.... we spotted 3 deers ran across in front of us. What a lucky day we had. :)

2011: 寒冷的春天


Cold War Museum


Thursday, March 17, 2011


也许Cobcob从小就一直的当爸爸妈妈的model拍照,所以现在只要妈妈一拿出相机,他就pose了, 哈哈。。拍了还要看,觉得不好看还要妈妈重拍^_^


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