Monday, September 23, 2013

2013: Hardworking Award from his coach - 6yo

Coach Todd awarded Jacob the Hardworking Hat for his effort during 3 practices over the weekends. Coach also praised him for being able to do the full stride skating, which is essential skill for power skating.

He can bring the hat home for a week and write his name on the hat. He is pretty excited about it. Well done, Jacob!

Monday, September 16, 2013

2013: Cobcob with the Music For Young Children - 6yo

Jacob did well in most of his areas of development in his school report, except in the area of music and art where he got "start to develop". I wish he could play piano but he is already playing hockey, we don't want to create a another stress environment for him. After consulting with some parents, Music for Young Children seems to be a fun way for Cobcob to learn music.

We had been asking him a few times in the past 2 years if he wanted to learn music, he said no. This year, he said yes. Here he is... Singing fingers song with his mom.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2013: Jacob's coach in his IP K9 team - 6yo

Hockey season starts again. After 2 busy sort-out weekends, Cobcob will be playing in IP K9 in our Kanata Minor Hockey League. We will have to wake up at 5am for his first 6am practice this coming Saturday. His coach is Coach Todd. We just know that Coach Todd used to play in NHL. He retired in 2011.

Lucky Cob to have great coach this season!

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

2013 Camping Trip: Watching movie at drive-in theater at Picton

Yes. It is a drive-in theater. It was so popular in 50-60s, but it is not easy to find near home nowadays. We managed to watch the Smurf 2 at Picton. The gate opens at 8pm, and the movie starts at 9pm after sunset. We've got a fairly good spot: 1st row and nearly center. Wu Fei family and Kevin family joined us at the spot too. The temperature was just right, around 18 degree, with almost no mosquitoes. The weather was perfect with clear sky. We spotted a couple meteors flashed across the sky not far from our screen.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

2013: I love my neighbors


  • 当我们去马来西亚时,我们邻居也是好友Yaqian送我们到火车站。并且帮我们看家。
  • 当我们在马来西亚时,我们左边邻居Misa帮我们剪我们家前院的草、并且每周帮我们收拾搁在家门前的广告纸,
  • 当我们在马来西亚时,我们右边邻居Paul帮我们剪我们家后院一大片的草及浇水。
  • 当我们回渥太华时,我们邻居也是好友Jinkai到火车站来接我们。
  • 当我们回渥太华时已是吃晚饭时间了,Yaqian 给我们准备了晚餐(意大利面条、Salad、水果)并且送到我们家。非常感动。
  • 回渥太华第二天,我们隔几家的邻居老太太Laura送一张卡片到我们家欢迎我们回来。


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2013: We've finished the Old Testament Bible - 6 yo

Yeah, we have completed the Old Testament (about 200 pages) in about one year.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2013: 2 Goals during the 4-on-4 game - 6yo

Jacob doesn't know how to play game. He had been running around chasing the puck, and seldom touch the puck. All in a sudden, he got it.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

2013: Jacob's first Biking Adventure - 6yo

On the long weekend Monday, we hit the road for Jacob's first adventure biking trip. He was pretty excited about it. He prepared his own backpack, his own snack, his camera, etc. Jacob made a lot of discoveries, took a lot of photos on the way.

It was a pleasant and quiet ride in our neighborhood. We passed through quite a bit of bike lanes and part of Trans Canada Trail. We stopped a restaurant for our dinner before heading home.

Now, we kind of know what to expect with Jacob. It is time to plan for the longer trip.

2013: Soccer Team - 6yo

His best friend William is right behind him.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013: Teaching interrelationships to Jacob

The Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program is based on the understanding that children develop within a complex set of interrelated systems that includes the family, the school, the broader community, and the world. Although early learning programs have traditionally acknowledged the importance of these systems, they have tended to address each one separately, in terms of its individual impact on the child. By contrast, the Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program recognizes the importance for the child’s development of the interrelationships between and among these systems, and builds on those interrelationships. Holding this interconnectedness at the centre of its vision, the program sets children on a more positive trajectory for learning. 

It is important for Jacob to understand the interrelated systems that includes the family, the school, the broader community, and the world.

We sometimes just need to push our topics a bit beyond "family" and "school". He will start to develop and build on those interrelationships.

Jacob is aware of people who don't have home to stay. We sent money to the homeless shelter together during Christmas. We gave a homeless man money everytime we see him standing outside supermarket one winter. We knew his name was Danny, and we prayed for him.

Jacob is aware of children who are not so lucky and they don't have money to buy toys. Every year, we prepare 6 Chrismas shoe boxes for the children in other country.

Jacob is aware of children in some part of Afica don't have enough food to eat. We googled and saw some images of skinny children begging for food. We had a long father and son chat. That day on, he stopped throw out his food in school.

Jacob is aware of Boston bombing, people got hurt and the Ottawa Vs Boston hockey game was cancelled. He sometimes comes and sit besides me when I am reading news. Then he will start to ask what is each news about by pointing at my tablet. He usually will get a kid's version summary of the news, then being sent aways with "Don't Disturb" reminder. :-)

Monday, April 15, 2013

2013: Kanata Stormtroopers - IP K6 (2012-2013)

The boys and girls enjoyed their hockey this session. They had their last practice last weekends. This is the group photo taken at the Stanley Restaurant after the Saturday practice.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

2013: Teaching Jacob "4 seasons" in a fun way

In order to teach Jacob "4 seasons" in a fun way, I bought 4 colored light bulbs for our garage: Blue for Winter, Green for Spring, Red for Summer and Yellow for Fall. I just took down the blue and replaced it with green last weekends. Hmm... as we prepare to enter our 4th week of spring, today's weather forecast had Ottawa to expect "as much as 15 centimetres of snow on Friday". I guess we will have to celebrate our spring the winter way. LOL.

Monday, April 08, 2013

2013: kk Jury Selection

Jury system has been around for 1000 years. As part of my civil duty, I am honored to be part of the jury selection on 3 criminal cases today. Had mixed feelings. If got selected, it is a bit of hassle to me as I will have to attend the trial from 9 to 5pm everyday for the next 3 weeks starting tomorrow. On the other side, I think it will be a good way to understand our justice system.

Never won a lucky draw before, but today I've won all the "rotary draw" to stand for jury selection on all three cases. When a juror was called to come to the stand, the court clerk asked the accused to look at the juror and the juror to look at the accused. The lawyers from both sides will take turns choosing: each lawyer will say “content” or “challenge”.  All the crown lawyers wanted me, but all the defense lawyers didn't want me. I guess I put "Tester" as my job title may have caused the defense lawyers to think I am no good to their case. Well, my job is to catch bugs and to make sure the bugs are fixed. :-)

Anyway, my dear wife said I am "样衰" that I wasn't selected today.
(Note: "样衰" 就是广东人喜欢说的话:  意思就是你长相太难看了!)

Saturday, April 06, 2013

2013: Jacob's 6th birthday party!!

虽然去年妈妈告诉Jacob今年不会再有birthday party了,但妈妈在网上看到一套恐龙party的东西,又看到Jacob很想和他学校、教会的小朋友庆祝。。最后我们还是决定给他办一个小小的party。请了八位小朋友,有两个不能来(Micheal & Moses),来的小朋友有Jacob学校的好朋友(William,Ryan,Jack, Finn)还有教会的好朋友(Isaac & Andrew)

这是恐龙主题的生日会,我给Jacob弄了一个恐龙蛋糕,还准备了mini pizza,chicken popcorn,水果,Jello及恐龙cookies。 装饰及餐具还有loot bag 都是那一套的。省了我们好多时间。。小朋友特别喜欢那只长得比他们还要高大的大恐龙。。

我还准备了三个游戏。1) 寻找恐龙蛋  2) 恐龙保龄球 3)挖掘恐龙骨头


Jacob很喜欢他的birthday party。

Sunday, March 31, 2013

2013: A letter from daddy - For Jacob's 6 yrs old birthday

Dear Jacob,

I started to love you from the moment I knew I had you. You are a gift from God and you are so precious to me and your mommy. You and your mommy are the best in my life. I enjoy you being in our family.

You have grown up a lot since I first met you face to face in hospital. Daddy loves you. I enjoy seeing you grow spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. You are six years old today. Happy birthday!

I started to pray for you since you were still in mommy's tummy. I gave my blessings to you for 9 months before we met. I am glad that I am still delivering my blessings to you almost every night. I enjoy the moments when I read bible stories to you, especially you beg for more stories and yet you complained your eyes were heavy. This is the time I could tell you about God and show you our family values. This is the time we could review and even discuss about the good and bad things of your day, and guide you everyday. I thank God for your salvation, and that you continue to trust in Jesus.

When I first see you, you were so tiny, length 66cm, and weighed 9lbs. Today, you height 116cm and weigh 46lbs. You are a big boy now. You are fit and strong that you swim, you bike, you ski, you skate, you play hockey and your play soccer. I see you enjoy all the fun as you are growing up, and I want you to stay that way. I really enjoyed the end-to-end canal skate run we had together last month.  I spent 2 years taking skating lessons so that I could "teach" you basic skate during public skating on the weekends. Your skating is getting better each. Sooner or later, you will out skate me. Daddy is happy to see you continue on your hockey fun.

When you did wrong, it is my responsibility to show you the right way. I know sometimes you don't like it, but daddy got to do my job here. In most cases, I think I am reasonable. However, in a few occasions, I got into a little pushy and unreasonable. I made you really upset or felt hurt sometimes. Daddy makes mistake too. Daddy is not perfect, and sometimes got into too emotional. When I apologized, you always give me all your forgiveness. I am thankful for that. I will continue to correct my mistaken and improve my parental skill as you grow.

Starting this SK school year, you came home with the Pokemon talks. You started to talk about Pokemon all day long. It was a big challenge to daddy as I have no idea what Pokemon is. I was forced to ask around, Google about it and to buy the Pokemon cards for you. You proudly showed me your newly Pokemon cards everyday. Then, you started to trade the Pokemon cards with your classmates and told me all the great things about the Pokemon. You slept with your cards. You got into school bus with your cards. You even cried telling me your friend told away your cards, when I picked you up from school bus. Then, I figured out I could borrow Pokemon DVD from our public library. I really enjoy watching every Pokemon DVD with you. Daddy was having fun learning new Pokemon characters with you.

You were a shy boy when you were little. I pray that you will continue to grow socially in a positive way. I am so happy that you now having your own best friends from your school: William, Ryan, Jack and Michael. I am happy that you finally had your first play date with William last November. You've learnt a lot of good stuff from your peers. Recently, you started to talk about Sky Landers that you learnt from William. Again, daddy has no idea what that is, and silly kept saying "Hi-Landers". I am looking forward to learning more from you.

Jacob, I enjoy having you and you enjoy having me today. You will meet more and more new friends, make more and more discoveries. As you grow up, daddy will start to fade away, and one day I will leave you and return to our Heavenly Father.  That day will come. Today, I want to let you know how much daddy loves you. I want you to know that God loves you. When daddy is not around, go to your Heavenly Father. He loves you with His everlasting love. He will never leave you or forsake you. Faith is the best I have for you.

As usual, I am reading a chapter of Psalms with you on your birthday.

Psalms chapter 6
1 Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger
    or discipline me in your wrath.
2 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint;
    heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.
3 My soul is in deep anguish.
    How long, Lord, how long?
4 Turn, Lord, and deliver me;
    save me because of your unfailing love.
5 Among the dead no one proclaims your name.
    Who praises you from the grave?
6 I am worn out from my groaning.
All night long I flood my bed with weeping
    and drench my couch with tears.
7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow;
    they fail because of all my foes.
8 Away from me, all you who do evil,
    for the Lord has heard my weeping.
9 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
    the Lord accepts my prayer.
10 All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish;
    they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013: Jacob's shoes - 5 yrs old

Jacob's teacher asked him to bring his indoor shoes home today. Hmm... I think I know why his teacher thinks he needs to bring them home to show daddy and mommy...

The shoes were in good condition when we let him brought to school as indoor shoes when his SK class started last September. Never thought Jacob would worn it out so fast.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

2013: Anniversary pre-celebration

Jacob went to his best friend William's birthday party from 12:30pm to 5pm today. It was a very good timing for a dating, making it our anniversary pre-celebration. Of course, there was a surprise gift for this special lady in my life.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

2013: Celebrating first day of spring

Ha, the spring has arrived. It is official - The first day of spring starts today. Hmm, seems to be a snowy spring this year.

Friday, March 15, 2013

2013: Jacob speaks in Mandarin - 5 yrs old

It was recorded on one Sunday evening, after an exhausted weekends full of physical activities.

On Saturday, he had to wake up at 6am so that he could make it to the 7am hockey practice. Then, we went straight to ski hill, and skied from 9 to 4pm.

On Sunday, he had to wake up at 7am for his 8am hockey practice @ Carleton University. After that, we went to church and stayed there until 2pm. Then, we went skating with Yaya on the canal until 4:30pm. By the time we reached home, daddy and mommy had trouble to wake Jacob up for supper. We let him slept on the couch. But daddy thought it was not good for a small kid to skip his supper, so he woke him up around 8:30pm so that he could have something and continue to sleep.

This was when these 2 videos were recorded. He seems to be "full recharged" and talked non-stop on the dining table. Thought it was fun to record this one to save a piece of memory.  :-)

Friday, February 22, 2013

2013: Family Day - Neighborhood Hockey - 5 yrs old

 A small hockey player chasing after the puck. Although he didn't get to touch the puck, daddy is very proud of him. This video was taken after 2 hours he was on ice. His skate is seen improved a lot. His strength has been way better than last year.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

2013:Camp Fortune Ski Trip - 5 yrs old

Feb 16, 2013 (Saturday)

We woke up at 6am, Jacob had his hockey from 7 to 8am. Then, we arrived at Camp Fortune around 8:40am. Enjoyed skiing from 9am to 4pm.

Snow condition was perfect at Spark, so we decided to stay at this trail the whole morning. We had a little break at the resting building near Skyline lift around 10:50am. Mommy bought Jacob a bag of chip for his snack.

Yaya had her ski lesson in the morning. We met Yaya around 12:30pm for lunch. At around 1:30pm, we went to Spark again, with Yaya and her classmate Justin. (Of course Yaya and Justin's parents were with us too.)

At the end of the day, we skied down Spark Trail (Intermediate trail) 15 times.

Well, after the ski, we went to Bayshore shopping center to pickup a gift card on behalf of our cell group, then picked up a pizza. Reached home around 7pm, then watched Sens vs Leafs game 1st period before going bed.  Had to wake up at 5:30am the next day again for the hockey practice.

What a day!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

2013: February hockey tournament - 3 goals - 5 yrs old

This was a busy weekends for the kids. They played 4 hockeys in 26 hours: Saturday 7am practice, 2pm game, 4pm game and Sunday 8am practice. Jacob struggled a bit to wake up on Sunday morning, but he was excited again after daddy promised getting him Mc Donald's happy meal after the practice. Well, after 4 hockeys, he felt great again that we skated in canal and had beaver tail together with Andrew for almost 2 hours after the church service.

Game 1: Kanata Storm Troopers vs West Carleton 3
Results: 7 to 1
Scored by:
Matthew: 3
Jacob: 2
William: 1
Noah: 1

Game 2: Kanata Storm Troopers vs West Carleton 2
Results: 4 to 2
William: 2
Jacob: 1
Ty: 1

Santa coming to our home on a sleigh ?

Today's children are so surrounded by video games, tablets, countless toys and TVs, and yet they keep saying "boring" or telling you "I don't know what to play" when there are so many toys in front of them.

Let's go back to old school. One toy multiple plays. No toy endless play.

Imagination is just endless.

Monday, January 21, 2013

昨天爸爸生病了,拉了一天的肚子。Jacob自己也有点不舒服,大约七点就睡觉了。大约十二点,走进我们的房间,迷迷糊糊的叫"爸爸,爸爸,你还好吗?好一点了吗?"妈妈告诉他爸爸已经好多了。Jacob爬上爸爸妈妈的床,躺在爸爸的旁边说"我要为爸爸祷告。"然后就开始祷告了。祷告完Amen 后,马上就躺在爸爸妈妈的床睡着了。妈妈就把Jacob抱回房间了。隔天问爸爸,爸爸完全不知道,Jacob则知道自己有为爸爸祷告。

Our Jacobchu boy

Jacob and his classmates were so obsessed with the Pokemon trading card during early months of his SK. He made sure his cards were kept beside him when he slept, and will bring his cards with him to school. He just kept talking about the damage power etc, traded the card in school bus and during recess.

Mommy decided to make him the above 2 cards. Daddy was force to spend time to search library and Google for Pokemon books and stories.

Well, all the excitements came to an end when several misbehaves (not related to him) happened around Pokemon cards incidents, and finally their teacher put a ban on the cards.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

2012: Jacob First Experience as a goalie in the game

Jacob said he is not going to play goalie anymore. Just not his type. Well, at least he has tried it. ;-)

He enjoys scoring goals than making big save at the net.

Monday, January 07, 2013

2013: Ski @ Mont Ste Marie - 5 yrs old

[Jan 5, 2013 Saturday]
This is our first ski trip this season. We were surprised to see Jacob still remember how to ski.

We all woke up at 5am, for Jacob's hockey practice at 6am that morning, We had our breakfast at Mc Donalds after hockey, then drove directly to the ski resort. Spent whole day until the resort closed at 4pm. Reached home at 7pm that evening.  What a day!  :-)

The good news was that we didn't have to wake up too early for Jacob's hockey the next day. Jacob Sunday's practice was at 8am, so we only need to wake up at 7am. (2 hours extra sleep compare to 5am.  LOL)

Sunday, January 06, 2013

2012: 好, 那我就抓这你的脚不放 - 5 yrs old

我可以买枪吗? 妈妈说不可以。好那我就抓这你的脚不放。妈妈说试一试看看, 看你做了以后,以后妈妈还会给你买东西吗。 我马上说ok, ok。就放手了。

2012: 我不累,只是我的眼睛有一点problem打不开 - 5 yrs old

Jacob 今天去了两个play date , 晚上妈妈叫他早点睡觉,他跟妈妈说他还不累。边聊他的眼睛就已经快打不开了,妈妈问他是不是累了,他还是回答"我不累呀,只是我的眼睛有一点problem. 打不开。"妈妈说好吧,那你把眼睛闭上休息,妈妈出去一下马上回来,妈妈下楼不到一分钟,回来看他就已经睡着了:)

Thursday, January 03, 2013

2012: Jacob scored his first goal against Richmond Bruins

Jacob scored his first goal against Richmond Bruins on Dec 28. It was actually his team's first goal this session. We are proud to watch the game.


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