Saturday, December 31, 2011

多伦多餐馆: "吃茶去"


吃茶去 - Go For Tea


Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

School Bus



Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Let's Shine Jesus' Light on Halloween

去年Halloween,我们去参加谦谦哥哥的birthday dinner。回来时已经迟了,没来得及去要糖。回家后爸爸带Cobcob到Ya Qian叔叔家要糖去。

今年,这是Cobcob第一次Halloween出去要糖。我们只走我们街的三分之一,Cobcob就说太多糖了,拿够了,可以回家了。后来我们决定再去Ya Qian叔叔家要糖,也走了他们家那条街的十分之一。

From Children Christian Happy Day books series: "Let's Shine Jesus' Light on Halloween":

On Halloween, I wore a costume and pretend to be a police officer...
But God knows everything about the real me.
"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book." Psalm 139:16

On Halloween, I might see black cats, pointy hats, and creepy flying bats...
But God's power is the reason I don't have to be afraid.
"I have overcome the world" John 16:33

On Halloween, I brought home a sack full of candy, chocolate bar, chip treats...
But being friends with Jesus is sweeter than the yummiest chocolate bar.
"This is my happy way of life: obeying your commandments" Psalm 119:56

Yes, Halloween is jacko-o-lanterns, costumes, and candy on a dark and spooky night...
But Jesus is the light of the world.
Jesus said to the people, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't be stumbling through the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." John 8:12

Monday, October 24, 2011


今天带Cobcob去看牙医,结果把爸爸吓坏了。 检查及洗牙的费用是加币$300。Cobcob坏了七颗牙,7 fillings + 2 crowns 的费用又是加币$3,500。(现在还不知道保险会付多少钱。)

嗨。。。只是牙齿而已嘛,何必那么贵? 伤脑筋! To be or not to be?


Sunday, October 09, 2011

去了两周学校,妈妈在他的Communication booklet问"How is Jacob doing this week?"

"Very good! He's the ONLY JK student who can write his name!! So far, he has NOT paid a word but his work is EXCELLENT!"


Ottawa Senators Fan at the Scotiabank Place

Okay... Although his is a Sens fan, he says he will cheers for Winnipeg Jets if Sens is playing Jets. Well, Sens disappointed him last season when it fell to the bottom in NHL standings.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


昨天晚上,Cobcob一个人在他的房间睡觉。他睡前咳嗽咳得很厉害。他很不舒服,把妈妈叫进他房间,对妈妈说:“我需要更多的祷告,你可以再为我祷告吗?” 我今天早上一直想Cobcob的这一句话。真的,祷告不怕多,只怕少。

Friday, August 12, 2011

2011: Our Trip to Papanack Zoo

I highly recommend Papanack Zoo for those who stay in Ottawa. It is a private zoo close to home. We simply just don't need a big zoo for toddlers or preschoolers. All small kids need is a few animals that they could learn.

Monday, August 08, 2011

WFH - Working From Home


爸爸偶尔在家上班。Opps... 还穿着睡衣...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Birthday

Woke up at 6:45am today to made my lovely wife a Banana Pancake & Sausage breakfast this morning !  He he...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jacob praying for his mummy

Just want to share little Jacob’s 祷告蒙神垂听的经历。

I was working from home today. As soon as he woke up from his nap, he found out Doreen was having headache and resting on the bed. He told her that he wanted to pray for her tonight (our regular bed time prayers). Then he came to the study room and talked to me:


I told him that we don’t need to wait until night time to pray for mummy. He can pray for her right the way.

Here is his prayer:  (note: He prays often, but this is the first time I record it.)

Doreen was having headache since she woke up this morning. Jacob prayed for her around 2:30pm. Her headache disappeared 2 hours later.  She could cook dinner and even went to her swimming lesson in the evening. To the little Jacob, he believes in God and his faith in Jesus has leaped one more step forward as he is experiencing him.

Thursday, July 07, 2011



Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Praying for our sponsored child Saowanee

Our family felt sad today to receive a letter from Saowanee. Saowanee is our sponsored child from Northern Thailand. We have been sponsoring her for many years so that her family could afford her to go to school instead of helping her family to farm. She wrote many letters to us in the past, but this time is the first time she had the child worker to write to us on her behalf. We are really worried about her. We are praying hard for our God to protect and heal her. May God have mercy on our sponsored child.

Compassion CanadaDear Kian Goh and Doreen Loo

Hello. My name is AreeWa Sittikongtung. I'm a child worker, writing on behalf of Saowanee because she is not doing well. She has to meet the doctor quite often and the doctor doesn't know yet what's wrong with her. She is hurt around her back. I'm trying to follow up with her symptoms closely. I would tell you if there is anything happening. I went to visit her at her house on the the 25th, she asked me to write a letter for her. She was sitting by me. She would like me to pray for her health that she will be healed quickly and she will not have any serious disease.

She would like to know if it's snowing in rainy season in your hometown or if it's snowing only in winter. She has finished her exam already and she is on a school break. She is happy to rest her brain. If she is fine, she will help her mother to work.

When she is at home, she would help her mother to work in the kitchen and clean up house.

I'll have to go now. May God protect you at work always.

Love in Christ
Writing on behalf of Saowanee

Monday, June 20, 2011

Cobcob 九月份要上学了

时间过得真快。Cobcob今年九月份要上学了。上周二他学校有Open House,邀请父母带JK的同学们到学校参观,见见老师。

Monday, June 13, 2011

Jacob 学英文


本来还以为Jacob今年9月上Junior Kindergarten才开始学英文。现在他每天自己一个人玩的时候,很多时候都是用英文的。看样子我们下一次回国时他会跟叔叔、阿姨们Speaking English了。

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mother's Day 2011


这是Heidi婆婆寄给爸爸的Email:I would like to share with you and Doreen that Jacob presented the mother's day theme song in solo in the class this morning. He did it so naturally and we all said it was wonderful. Praise the Lord. Jacob is a blessed brilliant bright little star. We love him very much.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jacob spent 13 minutes cleaning up - 4yrs 1mth

In yesterday’s class, sister Li Li described preschooler of 3-6 years old has great passion to tidy up. I coincidently shot a video of Jacob spending about 13 minutes cleaning his toys last night by himself. Just to share it with you. Note: The video was cut off at 8th minutes onto 2nd part of video.

“Jacob cleaned up mess after playing. I was relaxing on the sofa after a long day when I started to notice Jacob cleaning up his mess. I silently picked up the iPod and started shooting the video. He later noticed me shooting the video and gave me a funny look. I didn't ask him to clean up the toys, but his mum reminded him about 30 minutes earlier when he was still playing. During our nightly “review of the day” and prayer time, he proudly said “爸爸妈妈没有帮我,都是我自己收的。" ”.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Monday, April 04, 2011

Sugar Bush 2011

这是收集Maple Sap 的桶
Maple Sap是从这小管流出来。只有45年以上的枫树才可以钻洞。
Cobcob和爸爸在收集Maple Sap
Maple sap 像水一样没有颜色。我们尝了一点,像一般的糖水。
40公升的Maple Sap要煮到变成一公升的Maple Syrup.
这就是我们吃的Maple Taffy

每年三月份是收集Maple Sap做枫糖浆(Maple Syrup)的季节。上帝实在奇妙,只在晚上温度较冷(零下),早上温度在5度左右,并有阳光,Maple Sap才会出来。下午之后,一没有阳光,Maple Sap的源头就会像水龙头关掉一样止住了。


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