Thursday, April 25, 2013

2013: Teaching interrelationships to Jacob

The Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program is based on the understanding that children develop within a complex set of interrelated systems that includes the family, the school, the broader community, and the world. Although early learning programs have traditionally acknowledged the importance of these systems, they have tended to address each one separately, in terms of its individual impact on the child. By contrast, the Full-Day Early Learning–Kindergarten program recognizes the importance for the child’s development of the interrelationships between and among these systems, and builds on those interrelationships. Holding this interconnectedness at the centre of its vision, the program sets children on a more positive trajectory for learning. 

It is important for Jacob to understand the interrelated systems that includes the family, the school, the broader community, and the world.

We sometimes just need to push our topics a bit beyond "family" and "school". He will start to develop and build on those interrelationships.

Jacob is aware of people who don't have home to stay. We sent money to the homeless shelter together during Christmas. We gave a homeless man money everytime we see him standing outside supermarket one winter. We knew his name was Danny, and we prayed for him.

Jacob is aware of children who are not so lucky and they don't have money to buy toys. Every year, we prepare 6 Chrismas shoe boxes for the children in other country.

Jacob is aware of children in some part of Afica don't have enough food to eat. We googled and saw some images of skinny children begging for food. We had a long father and son chat. That day on, he stopped throw out his food in school.

Jacob is aware of Boston bombing, people got hurt and the Ottawa Vs Boston hockey game was cancelled. He sometimes comes and sit besides me when I am reading news. Then he will start to ask what is each news about by pointing at my tablet. He usually will get a kid's version summary of the news, then being sent aways with "Don't Disturb" reminder. :-)

Monday, April 15, 2013

2013: Kanata Stormtroopers - IP K6 (2012-2013)

The boys and girls enjoyed their hockey this session. They had their last practice last weekends. This is the group photo taken at the Stanley Restaurant after the Saturday practice.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

2013: Teaching Jacob "4 seasons" in a fun way

In order to teach Jacob "4 seasons" in a fun way, I bought 4 colored light bulbs for our garage: Blue for Winter, Green for Spring, Red for Summer and Yellow for Fall. I just took down the blue and replaced it with green last weekends. Hmm... as we prepare to enter our 4th week of spring, today's weather forecast had Ottawa to expect "as much as 15 centimetres of snow on Friday". I guess we will have to celebrate our spring the winter way. LOL.

Monday, April 08, 2013

2013: kk Jury Selection

Jury system has been around for 1000 years. As part of my civil duty, I am honored to be part of the jury selection on 3 criminal cases today. Had mixed feelings. If got selected, it is a bit of hassle to me as I will have to attend the trial from 9 to 5pm everyday for the next 3 weeks starting tomorrow. On the other side, I think it will be a good way to understand our justice system.

Never won a lucky draw before, but today I've won all the "rotary draw" to stand for jury selection on all three cases. When a juror was called to come to the stand, the court clerk asked the accused to look at the juror and the juror to look at the accused. The lawyers from both sides will take turns choosing: each lawyer will say “content” or “challenge”.  All the crown lawyers wanted me, but all the defense lawyers didn't want me. I guess I put "Tester" as my job title may have caused the defense lawyers to think I am no good to their case. Well, my job is to catch bugs and to make sure the bugs are fixed. :-)

Anyway, my dear wife said I am "样衰" that I wasn't selected today.
(Note: "样衰" 就是广东人喜欢说的话:  意思就是你长相太难看了!)

Saturday, April 06, 2013

2013: Jacob's 6th birthday party!!

虽然去年妈妈告诉Jacob今年不会再有birthday party了,但妈妈在网上看到一套恐龙party的东西,又看到Jacob很想和他学校、教会的小朋友庆祝。。最后我们还是决定给他办一个小小的party。请了八位小朋友,有两个不能来(Micheal & Moses),来的小朋友有Jacob学校的好朋友(William,Ryan,Jack, Finn)还有教会的好朋友(Isaac & Andrew)

这是恐龙主题的生日会,我给Jacob弄了一个恐龙蛋糕,还准备了mini pizza,chicken popcorn,水果,Jello及恐龙cookies。 装饰及餐具还有loot bag 都是那一套的。省了我们好多时间。。小朋友特别喜欢那只长得比他们还要高大的大恐龙。。

我还准备了三个游戏。1) 寻找恐龙蛋  2) 恐龙保龄球 3)挖掘恐龙骨头


Jacob很喜欢他的birthday party。


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