Sunday, September 30, 2007

Summer is over ...

夏天过去了,现在开始进入秋天了。当晚上的温度掉到将近零度的时候,渥太华的枫叶就会开始转红了。爸爸说下周要带我到 Wakefield 去拍枫叶照。

Wednesday, September 26, 2007



我穿的泳裤是谦谦哥哥的...我带了游泳椅, Grace带了游泳圈..我们还交换用...Grace比我爱游泳..手脚动个不停,我则很享受的躺在游泳椅...用Grace的游泳圈时,我还是有点怕怕,但我会用手抓住旁边...


Monday, September 24, 2007

Apple Picking

价钱:$8 一个可装10磅的 plastic bag。

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Monday, September 17, 2007


这是陈泓阿姨给的宝宝游泳圈。还没机会到游泳池泡水,就在家里的 bath tub 先泡了。


这张照片是两个月前刚剪完头发之后拍的Cobcob胖嘟嘟照片。都是 Grandma 和外婆喜欢的照片。

Monday, September 10, 2007

My Honda Civic is now in Collision Center

We were doing driveway sealing two Fridays ago, and I have to park our car on the street for a few nights. Well, being "not so lucky" that Friday night, a lady backed her car onto ours, and caused a big dent on the passenger door. While feeling unlucky, I am feeling lucky that the lady was kind hearted, that she left her contact information for me.

After a few phone calls to insurance company, and a trip to the collision center for repair estimate, I finally checked our car in for repair today, and it will be staying there for the rest of the week.

As a result, my insurance company will get me a rental car for a week until my car is ready to pick up. I told the car rental agent that I would like to try out Toyota Yaris, but she said the customer before me just took the last one. I ended up getting a 2007 model Toyota Corolla. I am a bit disappointed as the car doesn't even have a cassette player, it only comes with CD player. It really prompted me to miss my old 1999 Civic. Anyway, Doreen was delight to see CD player in the car. Maybe I should switch to CDs... but what should I do to my many old cassettes?
Any idea how much is the cost of the repair? Click "comment" if you wanna see answer... :)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007



我们当天中午到的省公园,搭好帐篷后我们到了渥太华河边的沙滩玩水。水蛮冷的,谦谦哥哥冷到一直在发抖。Cobcob 也穿了"游泳"尿布下水泡水一下下(少于半分钟),Cobcob 下水后即刻叫了一声,之后急忙把手放入口里安慰自己,后来还是大叫起来。宝宝那天晚上也像平时一样睡足了9-10小时。我们隔天也 Hiking 了一个多小时。Cobcob 在这个Camping当中非常的合作。
:Cobcob 晚上会冷吗?
:不会。Cobcob 是睡在他自己 Camping 用的Self-inflating床垫,再加上 Abby 姐姐送的零下30 度的冬天衣服+睡袋。我们还需要半夜起来看他会不会太热。

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Lily 的一种

这是我们在2004年夏天在Niagara Falls旅行时买的花种种出来的花。也记不住它叫什么名称了,只知道它是Lily 的一种,每年八月份开花,而且发出阵阵的花香。带着Cobcob坐在前院赏花,真是花香“娃”语,充满了生机。

Saturday, September 01, 2007

5 Months Old



Baby Center- @ 5-month-oldHow your baby's growing: You've probably noticed that your baby is becoming much more social lately. Not only will he tolerate attention from others, but he may even initiate it. He thrives with your attention and is learning how to engage you. As he masters more physical skills, from lifting his head and shoulders off the ground to extending his arms and legs and arching his back, expect your baby to seek your attention by wriggling or making noises before crying. Over the next three months, your baby will develop his own way of letting you know what he thinks, wants, and needs.


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