Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Baby Center Q&A

If you are expecting, or having a baby, don't forget to subscribe the weekly email from the Baby Center. I really enjoy reading Baby Center's email and comparing Cobcob's week by week's development through the pregnancy and beyond. It is fun to know tips and different techniques from other people, however whatever approach you settle on, make sure it's one you feel comfortable with.

Below is an example of Q&A from Baby Center I read today:
Is it okay to let my baby spend time playing alone?Solo play is not only okay, it's a must-do! While the time you spend playing with your baby is central to his development (and for many parents, among the day's highlights), his ability to play independently — even for a few minutes at a time — is also important. It builds self-reliance and confidence, skills that will be valuable to your baby throughout his life.

"Playing alone" doesn't mean setting your baby on the floor and leaving the room, however. Get your baby started on his own by providing a few toys and initiating the activity. Once he's engaged, move out of his view. (Make sure he's in a child-safe area to begin with, such as a playpen or a childproofed living room.) Resist stepping in to retrieve dropped toys or to show your baby how each one works. Let him figure it out on his own. Return to his side when he seems frustrated or upset.

As your baby grows older and gets better at interacting with a variety of playthings, you'll be able to leave him alone, under supervision, for longer periods of time. Not only is this good for his development, but it's helpful for you, too, as you'll gain precious extra minutes for yourself in your day.

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