Saturday, October 27, 2012

2002: "Not Fair" lesson - 5 yo

Jacob started saying "Not Fair" when he is not getting what he wanted.

He has been so loved. We have been teaching him to appreciate everything around him and to show gratitude toward his life. I think it is time to remind him about what we have today.

One Tuesday in October last year, when his mommy went to workout at Good Life, Jacob and I were having "No electricity" night for 2 hours. We turned off all the lights in our house, only lighted up 2 candles. Well, there was really not much we could do. Therefore, we started talking about how people lived 100 years ago. They had no electricity, that means they don't have electric lighting at their home like we have today; they couldn't watch TV nor playing Wii games; they didn't have cars or transportation system like we have today; They didn't have tap water at home, they had to bring bucket to the lake or river in order to bring water back home; They didn't have toilet in their home, they had to go outside to use the toilet in their backyard (if they are lucky to have one).

The topic interested him, and he asked a lot of questions. That night on, he started to reliaze he has so many things that others don't have. He continue to learn how to be content on what we already have, not to feel "Not Fair" on what we don't have. We simply can't have everything we would love to have.

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