Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jacob's First CD: Go Fish Guys' Superstar

We bought countless of kid's CDs for Jacob in the past. Although he loves the songs, he never has a sense of ownership to any of them.

Mommy started to notice Jacob likes music with stronger rhythm in the past 2 years. Until recently, mommy found a Christian band "Go Fish" that plays children's songs. We watched the Go Fish's YouTube together and thought it was good. The R&B and hip-hop style music just attracted him that he watched it again and again with our Playbook.

We secretly ordered 5 Go Fish's CDs for him online with plan to give him one CD at a time. Jacob received his first surprise CD on Aug 20. You can see his eyes brighten up, followed by jumping up and down action. He was so thrilled.

This time, it is really his own CD.  He gets to keep it, and takes care of it. Daddy instructed him to keep the CD in the book cabinet. Every morning, he would pick up the CD from the cabinet, then play the CD all day long. Yes, he hangs on the CD case all day long too. Every night, he would put the CD back to the same place.

He knows how to carefully retrieve the CD from the case and put it on our CD player. He would replay his favorite songs as he likes it. After the last song, he usually pops out the CD and put it back to the case. He would do this many times throughout the day.

He brings his CD with him to play in the car every time we go out. He even packed the CD to his backpack the night before our Calypso water park trip last weekend.

Jacob is just 5. The fever has been going on for 8 days. Daddy just wonders how long it will last. Or this is just the beginning of the never ending R&B and hip hop music culture under our roof...

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